It's been a while, a good long while, since we gave attention to our little Quarter Acre on the Web.There are MANY reasons for that, some good reasons, and some not so good reasons. We decided to set up a special place here, where you can check in, and WE can check in, and the you know what's going, and what's to come.
To your left is Prospect Jaspurr, here since mid November. Yeah, he's going to stay, DUH, but we always fool the newbies into making them EARN that patch. He's getting there, but why is he here?
The last few years have brought us challenges, in and outside of club business. The outside business has been largely vocational changes, still sucking away one third of our lives, so we can continue our devotions to cats and motorcycles.
Also, those last few years, we had some losses. At the end of December, 2022, he fought the good fight, for more than a year, but King Gilbert, The Vigilant and The Trusted, left us. That one, we saw coming, not that it makes it any easier. LJ, the Dark Prince, on the other hand? Left us in early November this year, highly unexpected. Embraced inside the CoA, for a SHORT six years, of the suspected eight years he was boots on the ground. He was quite the impact player. Yes, we miss him, and The King.
Both of those boys, not two years ago now, took that little Orange Texan, TayToE, under their charge, and guided her growth, as she now does with Jaspurr. Poof Gracie, the Wise Queen? Watching closely, as always, from a distance. LJ had become Tay's little rough and tumble buddy, and she would need another. That much was clear.
It's working out to date, more or less. TayToE and Jaspurr have found commonality, and our triangle is finding balance, once again. Stay tuned.
In the year to come, we never REALLY know. We have plans. Look for TayToE to take her act on the road solo, inside her own web space, and soon. We will strive to, "create content," for you here, on a more regular basis, so you know what's going on.
Our Mission remains, making things right, and paying things forward, but this year? We need to focus on that earning thing, finding new ways to earn. As always, the Lottery Gods are invited to smite us, these Cats Of Anarchy, but that's not really earning...