We Are...We Remain...Always...The Cats Of Anarchy.
That's our credo, what we live by, as well as on a constant mission of making things right, and finding new ways to pay things forward. ALWAYS, and sometimes, from behind the buck horns of a stout, two-wheeled street machine. ALWAYS, with one or more loyal felines backing us.
Why this strange marriage, the love of cats and motorcycles? Why is it for YOU? It's like this. Whether you are cat owned only, cat owned and motorcycle obsessed, you "get it." You understand it. You live life in a way where you are not easily understood, as it is with the ways of the cat.
"All motorcyclists, "bikers," are troublemakers."
No we aren't.
"All cats do is kill birds and wreck stuff."
No, they don't.
There is the common ground, cat owner to biker. In both cases, what you SEE is NOT what it appears to be. Like the old Camel Filters commercial, cats and motorcycles aren't for everyone, and they don't try to be.
Membership in good standing doesn't cost you anything. The only rule is you need to be cat owned, and while we don't require motorcycle ownership, we do KNOW that those who understand the ways of the cat also understand the ways of the biker. As our oath says:
"I do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of Cat Person, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend, bikers on the streets of America. So help me Wesley."
It's that simple. We would love to see CoA fender badges on every bike, and CoA shirts on every CoA member, and you can figure out how much you wish to dive in at our store. Or not. We don't really care about that, but we think, as we found, that once you embrace the CoA way, making things right, paying things forward, watching over your brothers and sisters, feline and biker, that you will be PROUD to fly the colors of the CoA. You might even want to charter your own chapter, and we can help you with that. It's what the National Parent does.
Thanks for coming by the Cats Of Anarchy. Want to take the oath and join us formally? Drop us a line...